Small adjustments can set you up for maximum success. Think back to the times when you had the most luck with your rabbit using their box and go from there. If they were using their litter box perfectly and now they are not, consider what might have changed. A change in the type of litter, box, cleaning solutions, hay, and location can all play a role in accidents. Some buns are super picky about their bathroom locations and surroundings. (4 to 6 months is the ideal age to do so). Oh, and since she is still young get her fixed. She will grow wiser in a couple of months. Just be patient. If your rabbit is under 6 months you might want to play the waiting game. Often times over zealous and or anxious rabbit owners decide to start training their rabbits too young. They are going to be happier, and so will you. We highly recommend that unless you are breeding your rabbits with careful thought and good reason, that you spay and neuter your buns.
If you are working on how to litter train a male rabbit, especially one who has not been neutered, overcoming his urge to mark his territory is going to be an uphill and lost battle.

The introduction of a new pet can also be very traumatic.

She will take some time to get back into the swing of things. If you have recently moved her litter box, or even more impactful, moved houses, this can mean lots of extra stress. Rabbits can feel very nervous in new surroundings. This may be one of the easier things to fix. That being said, here are some reasons that your bun may not be cooperating.